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Comissão Organizadora


Darlinda Moreira, CEMRI, Universidade Aberta

Daniela Melaré V. Barros, Universidade Aberta

Glória Bastos, CEMRI, Universidade Aberta

Rosa Sequeira, CEMRI, Universidade Aberta

Ricardo Cardoso, Universidade Aberta 

Florenço Varela, Universidade Aberta 





Guilhermina Cunha









This project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. The contents shown here are the sole responsibility of the authors. Neither the coordinators of this project, nor the European Commission, nor the National Agency Erasmus Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education, are responsible for the content or the use that may be made of the information disseminated here.

All materials shown here are licensed under an open Creative Commons (CC) license with no assignment of copyright or intellectual property. Free access to educational resources, documents and generated teaching materials grants the right of use, and shared use, mandatorily citing the source and authorship of the documents.











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